🚌 How to reach this place? Public transport: from Piazza Garibaldi takes Linea 1 towards Piscinola, stop at Duomo
📌 When? Check opening hours. Each season has different opening hours.
💵 How much? €3,00 per person
📧 Booking: Not necessary, but in case: book here
So, so. Where do I start? I don’t know, I don’t know where to start. So I will do what I always do in this undervalued blog, I will be a stream of consciousness and vomit all my feelings in a mega article.
Basically, you need to know that I am always very enchanted by people who burn with passion for certain things, regardless of the passion itself, there is something, in the passionate person, that captivates me. It will be the sparkle they have in their eyes when they talk about the thing that most excites them or it will be the meticulousness with which they undertake to describe to you the best what they love, in the hope of transmitting their feelings and therefore the love they feel for that particular thing…I don’t know, in short I don’t know, but you immediately recognize them when they are passionate and do what they do with love and dedication.
Here, of the Doll Hospital, before the place itself, before the setting, before the idea itself, the thing that most captivated me was the passion of its owner, Tiziana Grassi.
It’s that I have to necessarily make this digression on Tiziana, because she is part of the experience that you live at the Doll Hospital: she will be the one to welcome you and guide you during the tour, telling you the story of her little jewel. And well, when you see her and have the pleasure of getting to know her, you will understand that she is the owner, in short that the owner could not be different from her, that she is perfect in the role she plays, representing the soul of the place itself.

The Doll Hospital actually originated as an ancient workshop, a peculiar laboratory that over time has specialized in the art of restoring dolls, ancient and modern, teddy bears and childhood companions (cit.)
At first, I expected to find a kind of Museum, let’s say something static, to observe, visit and just that. Instead, I was amazed to see that the workshop is alive, still carries out its purpose and its art after four generations. Tiziana showed us the requests that come from all over Italy, she showed us letters from people who ask her to repair teddy bears, dolls, precious objects that belonged to a family member who may no longer be there, or simply objects that have been loved for years and still, objects to be repaired and passed on to another family member, a new child and a new life for the toy itself.
I could have been guilty of prejudice, because I thought that in our era, it was much easier and more convenient to “throw away” the old, broken or unfashionable and easily replace it with something new. In my opinion, the Doll Hospital is a wonderful example of how tradition and passion can still be kept alive, even in a world that is constantly changing.

I have told you about the passion and history of this place, but now let’s move on to the side that interests us most: the horror. The place is evocative, terribly evocative. I mean, dolls alone are unsettling, hospitals just as much, so put these two things together and understand that…a certain atmosphere is created.
The whole laboratory is set up divinely: there are legs hanging, heads without eyes, hundreds of eyes gathered in small bundles, in short, you will have a lot of stuff to look at, especially because it is very detailed, so every time you pass through an area or a new section you will find something new that you had not noticed before.

Anyway, I tried to tell you how cool this place is, but really words are superfluous, you have to go there and lose yourself in its history, so go ahead and go there without too much fuss!
Also, I take this opportunity to thank my friend Camilla, who took all the beautiful photos that you find in this article
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